October 8, 2011

How Herbal Treatment Works for Acne

In many ways, integrative medicines view herbal remedy as another treatment to cure symptom of underlying health problems that cause acne. Generally, roots of acnes include sluggish liver, hormonal imbalances, poor digestion, bowel function and nutritional deficiencies.  

Herbs and herbal supplements for acne treatment are varied by the underlying cause.  We have listed some herbal remedies commonly used for acne treatment here.

Burdock, Dandelion (Taraxicum officinalis), Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) :

These herbs work as blood purifiers, helping to aid in kidney function and correct imbalances and improve digestive function by increasing the output of bile from the gall bladder into the small intestine. Many traditional herbalists will prescribe these herbs together as an overall tonic for the liver and gall bladder.  That will help the body to remove unwanted waste and bring back hormonal balances.

Burdock root is useful for clearing up all types of skin conditions from acne to eczema as it is a general tonic for moving the body towards health and harmony. 

Dandelion is one of the best diuretic herbs, helping to detoxify by supporting the kidneys. It also supports the liver. 

Yellow dock is an all-around cleansing herb with a reputation as a blood-cleanser. It also supports the liver and has gentle laxative properties.

Dong Quai : Aslo called Angelica dahurica or Angelica sinensis in traditional Chinese herbalism.  A study in 2003 found that dong quai had anti-acne benefits similar to that of erythromycin ; an antibiotic often used as an acne medication. 


Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis) : Goldenseal contains a compound called berberine that kills many types of bacteria.  It is considered a natural antibiotic and is most often combined with echinacea in preparations designed to strengthen the immune system.  Berberine is widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat dysentery and infectious diarrhea.


Guggul : Guggul is used in Aurvedic medicine.  The Ayurvedic herbalism suggest that it can help relieve acne, particularly for those who have oily faces.


Turmeric : It's often-used spice in curry powder, mustard and some cheeses.  Turmeric can clear up pimples either taken as a supplement or in a food, or directly applied to the skin.  Studies have shown turmeric has anti-inflammatory activity, which would explain its ability to bring down the swelling of a pimple.  It also can dry out blemishes while stopping formation of new ones but not dry the skin.  To use turmeric, you may take turmeric mixed with warmed milk or mix turmeric with coconut oil or sesame oil before applying on pimples.

To get the best result from herbal acne treatment, you have to change your bad behavior and dietary.   According to Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, you should avoid hot, spicy and greasy food but choose a high fiber fruits and veggies, less processed diet.  Avoid alcohol and drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day.   Natural supplements such as zinc, Vitamin C and E are also suggested by the doctors.

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